Wednesday, June 30, 2010

IMT DUBAI - Projects & Internship

Internship Program
The In-Company internship at IMT is a key element of the learning process and as such an integral part of the program. The internship assignment is conducted on a individual basis and monitored and supervised by IMT faculty members together with a designated company supervisor.

The internship provides the students with the opportunity to work for a period of 8 weeks in a company/organization in Dubai or abroad and to apply the tools and skills learned during the course of their studies into real business situations.
The internship program is compulsory for all students with no prior work or internship experience. 

Students who have had work/internship experience prior to joining IMT-Dubai are exempted from the Internship Program. After review of each individual case, the Office of IPP will offer the concerned students alternative programs and activities such as project work or an elective course.

At the completion of their internship assignments, students will prepare a comprehensive report and they are required to give a formal presentation to a panel analysing the work they have been assigned to. 

Company Project
The Project work is a compulsory component of the MBA program at IMT and it carries 3 credits. For students in the MBA program, the Project Work is an exceptional educational opportunity to conduct applied research, build on the knowledge acquired and incorporate their 2 years course work into a highly integrative activity.

Its objectives are to apply to the real world the knowledge acquired at the classroom level, apply the research and analysis capabilities to complex real business issues and Interact and network with the business community
The Company Project takes place during semester IV of the program and is conducted on a group basis. Typically a team would be composed of 5-6 students.

1 comment:

Solved Project said...

Thank you for providing such a detailed and well-researched article. Your insights are invaluable and contribute significantly to the ongoing conversation about this topic. IMT Solved Project