Wednesday, June 30, 2010

International Workshop on Future Directions of ANN 12th Nov, 2010

The goal of Computational Intelligence (CI) is to help inventing intelligent computers by mimicking the way we, the human beings, approach problem solving. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is viewed as the most nearer model of the human nervous system. Naturally, the curiosity surrounding the ANN has emerged stronger as compared to the other components of CI viz. Fuzzy Logic & Evolutionary Computation. Despite rapid strides made over the past couple of decades, the gap between the expectations from ANN and its potential, as hitherto unearthed, leaves a lot to be desired. This necessitates a relook at the strategy that has been adopted so far towards the design & development of ANN.

The Intl. Workshop on Future Directions of Artificial Neural Networks (FDANN10) is aimed at creating a platform where the researchers will converge & deliberate on the possible roadmap for the future of ANN. Eminent speakers will share their frustrations as well as excitements with the audience & put forward their views vis-a-vis the route ANN should traverse in order to make it more stimulating & more useful. Sponsored by the International Neural Networks Society (INNS) & intended to be held in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology & Business Intelligence (ITBI10) at Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur, India, FDANN10 is a humble effort towards creating an awareness about the need to revisit the entire strategy as adopted so far as well as popularizing ANN, particularly in India. 

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